Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tinnitus: Pilates

Many people with chronic severe tinnitus find it very difficult to participate in cardiovascular workouts because the workouts can raise blood pressure and raise AC current levels in the brain which causes the tinnitus to get even louder and then taper down a few hours later. When the tinnitus is louder it can trigger natural brain annoyance responses like depression and mood changes.

If you are doing jumping jacks, running, or bouncing your head in any way as part of your workout you should probably stop doing that because you are creating infrasound waves inside of your cochlea that could be causing more damage to your delicate cilia cells. 

Some medical providers do not know about the infrasound phenomenon and so they generally recommend cardiovascular workouts for tinnitus patients. You have to take control of your health and recognize that you have a choice. You have to know what makes your tinnitus worse and what does not. Avoid what makes it worse regardless of what anyone else recommends. You are the only person in the world who has your unique auditory damage. You are uniquely out of tune (like a piano).

Before my tinnitus became severe, I used to participate in triathlons. I ran, biked, and swam often for training. Now I cannot even imagine participating in a triathlon. But, if I don't exercise then my overall physical health will plummet and the tinnitus will get worse. 

Since I could no longer maintain a triathlete regimen I had to look for an alternative. The best alternative that I've found is Pilates. It does not cure my tinnitus or make me any less aware of the tinnitus. Pilates does keep me from becoming physically unhealthy and possibly prevents my tinnitus from getting worse.

If you live near water, go kayaking once in awhile just to get some fresh air and apply your new Pilates arm strength. Plus, the sound of water is a natural white noise that may mask your tinnitus while you are paddling. Biking is good. Focus on what you can do, not what you can't do.

Occasionally I will attend a stationary bike class but I inform the instructor beforehand that I will not be able to maintain the class pace. They are very understanding. It really is just to get my legs moving. I bring my Bose QuietComfort 15 to class with me. 

What works for me may not work for you. Your tinnitus may be completely different from mine. You may have secondary conditions that might prevent you from certain exercises like Pilates. Your body is made to move. Excessively loud tinnitus is exhausting. It will make you not want to move. You have to compel yourself to do so.  

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