Friday, October 18, 2013

Tinnitus: Mazda 6 Radar and Laser

In my previous post I mentioned that what was formerly thought of as non-thermal and non-ionizing radar is wrong. These sources of electromagnetic cell, DNA, and neurological damage are likely internally thermal and therefore internally ionizing. The electromagnetic heat is generated within the human body after the hydrogen in H20 splits from H20 to H + OH. Since humans are comprised of a great deal of water it makes sense that there are biological effects. DNA is suspended in liquid and when the liquid ionizes it breaks the DNA apart.

Many scientists have debated the biological effects of what was considered to be non-thermal and therefore non-ionizing radar. Numerous studies have shown human cell damage as a result of radar and low-level laser exposure. These studies have been conducted by major Universities, tri-service scientists, and highly reputable researchers for over 50 years.

Despite the overwhelming evidence of acute and latent health effects in mammals, industries continue to develop and release these radar and laser products citing that they are well within health standards.

The health standards should be adjusted before more of these radar equipped cars roll off of the assembly line. Most health standards regarding radio frequency radiation basically say that the regulators do not fully understand the biological effects of radio frequency radiation and therefore they will allow these products to be sold until further research determines otherwise. That does not mean that the product is safe.

In the U.S. we've had researchers since WWII showing biological effects (e.g. skin lesions, internal lesions, retinal damage, tinnitus, lymphatic cancer, EEG variation, blood disorders, behavioral disorders, etc.). The time to tighten up the regulations is now.

Californians are fortunate, we have been afforded the opportunity to opt-out of microwave Smartmeters on our homes. Unfortunately, we will not be able to opt-out of Mazda 6 drivers pinging our vehicles with radar and laser systems.

Tinnitus may be one of the many health risks attributable to radar exposure. The idea is that the radar signal bounces from the transmitting vehicle, bounces off of the conducting vehicle, and returns back into the transmitting vehicle.

What happens to the people in each car? My theory, is that the signal will pass through the eyes and travels into the brain of the occupants likely causing long-term optical and neurological declination (possibly including hyperacusis and tinnitus).

How is that possible? My theory is that since the inferior colliculus (part of the auditory system) of the midbrain and the superior colliculus (a visual center) are connected and we know that tinnitus can be caused by brain injury we can suggest that the visual pathway conducts radar and laser signals to the connected area in the brain and may indeed cause tinnitus (without any middle or inner ear damage). In this case, no amount of hearing protection can help.

In my view, it should be illegal for another driver to ping a radar signal or a laser from their vehicle to my vehicle, especially since I have hyperacusis and tinnitus and the source signal may make my condition permanently worse. Also, electromagnetic sensitivity is an internationally accepted health condition. The automobile industry would be smart to take this into consideration.

There is a law that is supposed to protect U.S. citizens from these products The Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968. The problem is that the law is not enforced. The law needs to be updated to include consumer radar systems prior to release to the public, not after release.

Although not a great risk to human health now, if the automobile industry continues to produce these electromagnetic radiation equipped vehicles without regard to human health then we should not be surprised as to the great increase in people with tinnitus that will be the result of the automobile industry's craving for profits.

I'd like to remind the automobile industry to think of safety first and human health over profits. Just imagine a traffic jam in a major city, in the future, and how much electromagnetic radiation would be produced if every car in the traffic jam had radar and laser transmission running simultaneously.

Can you drive a Mazda 6 now and experience tinnitus years later from your overexposure to radio frequency radiation? Yes, because the radar could send signals to your neurons and your auditory pathway that shorten human cell shelf-life and could cause cancer.

I like the design of the Mazda 6. It is sleek and edgy. I don't like it enough to experience permanent health issues from it, especially permanent hyperacusis or tinnitus.

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