Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tinnitus: The Fourth Phase of Water

This post is for tinnitus researchers. After watching the linked videos of Dr. Pollack's research you may want to consider whether or not the auditory system contains EZ water (a.k.a. The Fourth Phase of Water).

If the auditory system does contain EZ water then it may be acting more like a water pump, during electromagnetic radiation overexposure, and less like an air vibration-to-sound translation system (which is the auditory system's normal function).

I rarely recommend products on this site. I have to know the product will benefit the readers. This is a book that I highly recommend. It costs around $30 which is less than a cup of coffee each day for a month. The book is a must read.

Link to Dr. Pollack's book: The Fourth Phase of Water

Dr. Pollack's videos:
Part I
Dr. Pollack, University of Washington

Part II

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