Friday, July 20, 2012

Tinnitus: iPhone Noise Dosimeter Apps

There are noise dosimeter apps that are available for iPhone. These apps can help you to understand what noises in your environment may be affecting your tinnitus. You can use noise cancelation headphones plugged into your iPhone (Bose Quietcomfort 15 works for me) while you a walk around checking noise dosage.

I use "Sound Level Application." It seems to work well. If you are detecting a sound at higher than 85 decibels you should be cautious. The best thing to do is avoid noise volume at that level or above for longer than eight hours. If you have tinnitus then try to avoid noise higher than 85 decibels from now on. You are more sensitive than the average person because your ears are already damaged.

(Note: I'm in no way affiliated with Sound Level Application.)

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