Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tinnitus: Disuse Syndrome

For people with chronic and severe tinnitus, like me, our energy levels randomly peak and trough throughout each day. Some days we don't even want to move at all, because of exhaustion, insomnia, or depression due to the non-stop ringing in our ears.

When a tinnitus sufferer only moves to accomplish basic tasks to get through each day then disuse syndrome may be starting. After weeks of barely moving, the muscles begin to weaken due to disuse. As a result, the knees begin to ache, back pain begins, neck problems begin, and overall core alignment is off. Mood also worsens.

The Loop:
The pain treatment part of disuse syndrome may involve drugs that make the tinnitus worse and cause rapid weight gain which can feed the disuse syndrome.

The tinnitus sufferer is on a crazy loop of worsening tinnitus, physical breakdown, rapid weight gain and medications that lead to worsening tinnitus, physical breakdown, and more medications. It is very difficult to break the cycle once it starts. Fortunately, it is not impossible to break the cycle.

If disuse syndrome gets bad enough a few weeks of physical therapy may be a viable treatment.

People with chronic pain may also struggle with disuse syndrome. The best way to avoid the disuse syndrome loop is to exercise regularly.

If the tinnitus sufferer is not self motivated then he or she should seek and hire a physical trainer that can focus in on inspiring the tinnitus sufferer to get moving. The costs of a personal trainer and a gym membership are much cheaper than the medical expenses associated with unchecked disuse syndrome .

Mood should not dictate whether we tinnitus sufferers exercise. We may not feel like exercising but muscle weakening is not something that we should risk.

If your tinnitus is caused by high blood pressure then be careful not to overexercise. Ask your general practitioner and your hearing specialist what the right level of exercise is for you. See a psychologist if you notice a worsening of your mood.

Note: I purchased a Stamina 1690 pull-up bar online, for home use, and I force myself to use it everyday, especially when I'm not in the mood to exercise. I also walk my dog frequently.

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